
Food Allergies

The information we are able to provide details which menu items contain the most common allergens and intolerances, based on the information provided by our suppliers. We work to keep this information as up-to-date as possible, and suggest you check our allergen information each time you dine with us.

View and print allergy information for our menu.

Do you have procedures in place to minimize cross-contact in the kitchen?

Yes! When you tell your server that you have a food allergy, they will add this information to your order. This will alert the kitchen that you have a food allergy and will trigger several processes, including changing their gloves and serving utensils. Each of our managers has completed a food safety course, which includes basic information about food allergies, in addition to safe food handling practices.

Even with processes and procedures in place, we are mindful that we are not an allergen-free facility. As such, we cannot guarantee that any item is free of any allergen.

Do you provide information on allergens other than the ''big 9''?

The FDA regulates allergen labeling for the ''big 9'' (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, and sesame), and we source this information from our suppliers. We also provide information on sulfites. Because we recognize that our guests may be allergic to other ingredients, we are working to collect more allergen information from our suppliers.

What kind of oil do you use in your fryer?

We use highly refined canola oil or highly refined soy oil in our fryers. Based on information from our suppliers, these oils are highly refined and do not include any soy protein.

Do you have a separate fryer to avoid cross-contact of allergens?

No. We do not have a separate fryer at this time. This means any food that is in the fryer can come in contact with most of the major allergens, including: wheat (and gluten), shellfish, dairy, soy and egg.

If you have a food allergy, PLEASE inform your server before ordering. If you have any questions about this information, please reach out to our Guest Relations Department before you visit. Please know it may take us several days to research your request. Contact us online or call 800-331-2729 Monday - Friday between the hours of 10am - 4pm Eastern.